It's Snowing at Snowshoe Mountain... Oct. 8, 2012!

It's Snowing at Snowshoe Mountain... Oct. 8, 2012!

The first significant snowfall of the year fell on Monday Oct. 8th! What a beautiful sight to see! Get your boards and skis ready, winter is right around the corner!
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Straight up chilling and about to reach snowshoe in an hour #fuggyeah

“@kaelinsoda: Straight up chilling and about to reach snowshoe in an hour Don't be surprised if I randomly show up!

@L_Tatano18 damn. I know snowshoe is open but idk if its nice

ブラックいとし君 #nhk #純と愛

あさイチの2人のコメントが聞けなくて寂しい土曜日。 #nhk #純と愛

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