Movie Star Bios - Josh Hartnett

Movie Star Bios - Josh Hartnett

Find out what makes our biggest stars tick - join Lizzy Lovette as she explores the intriguing world behind the velvet rope of stardom. This week we reveal why Josh Hartnett is more than just another Hollywood heart throb.
I should probably unfollow josh hartnett daily on instagram, it's making me hot and bothered!

#IGotAThingFor White chocolate and Josh Hartnett. And One Direction of course.

@BPolewczynski @milicadraca: it's got josh hartnett in it and...*walking against wall*

Josh Hartnett no se ha casado porque no me ha conocido, lo se lo se ♥

RT @_thomps0n: @BPolewczynski @milicadraca: it's got josh hartnett in it and...*walking against wall*

@arbitraryM @apoolhallace Josh Hartnett just had to slink in there with his SCAT.

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