Jennifer Lopez and Cameron Diaz Open Up

Jennifer Lopez and Cameron Diaz Open Up

Two of the most beautiful women in the world were here together for a very special appearance! The rumor mill has been swirling about these two not getting along on set -- and they addressed the rumors head-on! And, Jennifer opened up about returning to "Idol" -- and rumors about adoption.
celebcrush #celebcrush no6 cameron diaz Gawd those eyes are HOT

Sanjiv Bhattacharya is, unarguably, the coolest lifestyle writer on this planet. His esquire piece on cameron diaz is utterly fab.epic stuff

Cameron diaz is so hot in bad teacher

I'm trying to focus on what's going on in Gangs of New York but Cameron Diaz is making it hard with that disaster of a face

#10ArtistsIWantToMeet 2-Cameron Diaz 1-KATY PERRY

@NorizSharmine tak minat dia . kita lagi sukakan cameron diaz , emily blunt .

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