Jack Bros. Frost Playthrough: Dragon's Belly - Virtual Boy

Jack Bros. Frost Playthrough: Dragon's Belly - Virtual Boy

Original Air Date: July 14th, 2009 While working on other things, I will slowly be attempting to upload Jack Bros. footage. This channel doesn't specialize in "LPs", but this game is so obscure that I figured somebody had to do it sooner or later. I guess I shouldn't have started with Jack Frost though... my goodness is he a pain in the *** (pardon the language). The time limits imposed in this game can be tough. It's bad enough the others can only perform satisfactorily, but Jack Frost is so weak that he needs more than bonus time, he needs a good bit of luck too without using up all his specials (which are important down the line). He handles the first three levels well enough but... well, you'll see soon enough. This is the fourth level, "Dragon's Belly". If the game slows down and what have you, it's not my comp, it's just the game, and it slows down something pretty awful on this level. If I had a better camera, I'd be able to get footage from inside the helmet, but it doesn't pick up enough light as-is. This level is pretty easy and straightforward though it looks a bit daunting at first, but the boss is almost impossible to finish with Jack Frost in time without unleashing at least one special attack. I used two just to squeeze the level in one video. If you're looking for the first two levels with Jack Frost, check the Jack Bros. Game Sample. I might brighten these a bit in the future as well. The default is a bit on the dark side.
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