Peanut Golden Retriever at 10 weeks old doing tricks

Peanut Golden Retriever at 10 weeks old doing tricks

Our golden retriever puppy Peanut is now 10 weeks old and has learned some basic commands such as sit, stay, down, come here, leave it or NO and also a few tricks such as shake with both paws, high five, bang bang, roll over, leave it, and spin.
** RT @jessaiee: The fluffy one is sniffing @jongsy all over because she played with a golden retriever and the qt smells it, hahaha.

RT @MissingPetsGB: **MISSING CREAM GOLDEN RETRIEVER** JOSH 20/12 MALE #MARDEN #KENT #TN12 Owner heartbroken Contact @kpadden PLS RT RT h ...

RT @MorganTuaghtYou: Golden Retriever. * I want him * #Insider @amieecrite

Puppy puppy handsome...RT @louisadian: Mw piara puppies :'( husky sm golden retriever. @kenikeni

two dogs running around on center street. ones yellow lab/golden retriever looking and the other looks like a husky but brown

Mw piara puppies :'( husky sm golden retriever. @kenikeni

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