Jak 3 - Jak 3 - Episode 7: Part 1/2

Jak 3 - Jak 3 - Episode 7: Part 1/2

Heading back to the temple to find some hidden secrets with this heir of mar key.. Please Remember to Rate this video and subscribe if you wish to see more! By sharing this video, it'll give others who have not played this amazing trilogy to experience it! We are going for 100% so that does mean we'll be getting all the precursor orbs. This is also a trophy guide to get you that platinum. We now have a facebook page it would mean so much to me if you could just take a second and Like my page: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com
yak 7 hari menuju #Migratoria2013 :D

Script. Skripsi. Blog. Film. Foto. Trip. Gunung. Pantai. Wong edan ini, kudu part-time berapa job yak? (.-_-.)7

Si @radityadika cuma ngetwit "nasi atau mie?" aja banyak yg ritwit. Formula rahasianya apaan yak? (--,)7

"@camatren: RT @GangsterYoo: "@PledisEntRP: Promnite nya dimulai. Sepi yak'-')7 pada kemana ini? yang udah stay di tempat promnite RT

RT @KA_BaekhoNUEST: RT @PledisEntRP: Promnite nya dimulai. Sepi yak'-')7 pada kemana ini? yang udah stay di tempat promnite RT juseyoooo

@rzkynflprtma ntar gua kasih datanya episode 1-10 dulu yak...7 episodenya besok...plesdis gua penuh

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