MINECRAFT - Em busca de um OCELOT com Venom Extreme (Parte 1)

MINECRAFT - Em busca de um OCELOT com Venom Extreme (Parte 1)

Informacoes uteis: - Canal do Venom Extreme: www.youtube.com - Canal do Venoninho Extreme: www.youtube.com - Twitter: www.twitter.com - Facebook: www.facebook.com
@Kristige PLEASE, tell me. Can you actually get an orange item from the golden chest? All I ever see is purple. Can you get legendary too?

@gothlaw @jonfmorse I'm not a black metal guy. Close as I come is Opeth or Katatonia. Venom, of course, was awesome.

This damn lady is blowing me!!!

A chinese man buying chinese food O_o #ThingsYouNeverSee

Arenosos aquí arenosos haya un arenoso te saludara e.e -Nigga feliz e.e

so who wanna do dinner tonight?

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