How the Internet Works in 5 Minutes

How the Internet Works in 5 Minutes

The internet is not a fuzzy cloud. The internet is a wire, actually buried in the ground. Computers connected directly to the internet are called "Servers," while the computers you and I use are "clients," because they are not connected directly to the internet, but through an Internet Service Provider. Routers shuttle packets of information across the internet, and transmit e-mail, pictures, and web pages.
RT @xjaredseyes: @xxshelovesoned ti arriva direttamente a casa per posta (da quello che ho capito, non li ho mai presi neanche io su int ...

RT @Rich_DC_: Robando internet en iShop con @_SteveTB_ @Alex_Head1 @JucePelon xD

RT @WhatTheFFacts: "Münchausen by Internet" is a personality disorder in which internet users pretend to be ill to gain attention of others.

JAJAJ estoy con un 95 % de sueño pero internet puede con ello y bajando

@ShakeyStephens The Internet says @Tombaldwinscoke is a moron

@laina622 don't let a few people bring you down! You used Internet fame to actually do something positive!

Internet の最新情報!

Internet 最新動画

Internet 関連情報

↓Internet の最新情報↓
Internet ニュース
Internet ウェブ


