7.62x54R VEPR Rifle from WPA - Alternative to Dragunov?

7.62x54R VEPR Rifle from WPA - Alternative to Dragunov?

This is a quick test of the VEPR 7.62x54R Rifle being manufactured in Russia and imported into the United States by WPA. There is a short history lesson as well as a shooting segment at 50-yards, 100-yards and almost 150-yards. Yes it includes TANNERITE Binary Explosives. How could we not? :-)
@DanielleBaggerm Je vader heeft ook draadloos internet met WPA sleutel? Dan moet het gewoon werken! Welk tablet is het?

RT @infompatronelli: #Quads Act.WPA: 1. Husseini 2. Patronelli (+1m08s) 3. Casale (+3m21s) 4. Bonetto (+7m31s) #Dakar2013

@TedMielczarek weird. Unable to make it work here with my ipad, had similar issues with my Nexus 7. Read reports that 4.2 update broke WPA.

@Marilo_1990 marilo como estas wpa?? Recuerdos de anita gonzalez,jajaj q un abrazo muy fuerte fuerte!! Imaginatela jajaj

@carlabelver entonces sigues con sipuedessigueme . Ojala k si .La mejor pareja del 2012 -13 . por fa contesta y si puedes me sigues bss wpa

Whenever the MLB does get instant replay, I hope the first thing someone does the following season is a WPA study on its impact.

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