Provocations Campaign Trailer

Provocations Campaign Trailer

Calvin Klein presents Provocations. Coming soon at Directed by Fabien Baron. Featuring "Og Lengra," composed by Olafur Arnalds. #Provocations
De Christian Audigier, de Hollister e Calvin Klein,ai ai ai novinha, assim tu mata o papai

Let me introduce you to Calvin Klein or Ralph Lauren #growup

"@lostevilninja: @_BenFellows WOW...Well if Calvin Klein would employ you, they would have more costumers definitely *-*" you're crazy

RT @kendalljane6: BOYS: if you don't look like Calvin Klein models, don't expect us to look like Victoria's Secret Angels. ******

I should read labels on my cloths before I wash and dry them. Anyone want a nice Calvin Klein sweater, it will only fit a child now!

@feehllima Me falaram que era a taxa de uniforme, quero saber se é da Calvin Klein pra me cobrarem 180 dilmas em um uniforme.

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