Dolce&Gabbana - the one This new era in the story of the one is once again captured by revered fashion photographer Jean Baptiste Mondino. His muse, and the unforgettable embodiment of the one, is Scarlett Johansson. A global icon, Scarlett fascinates audiences with her unique blend of beauty, charm and palpable intelligence. The original soundtrack for the advertisements was composed by the illustrious Italian composer Ennio Morricone: a haunting tribute to the enduring impression made by the one woman.
蘋果動新聞: 本港接連發生擲鏹水案,未來兩星期聖誕節及除夕新年等大型人群活動將至。警務處處長鄧竟成昨強調,已訓示前線人員在人流密集的地區加強戒備,警方調重兵到前日發生鏹水彈案的屯門蝴蝶邨調查,初步相信鏹水彈由16樓擲下。房屋署昨則派員到蝴蝶邨安裝俗稱「天網」的尼龍網以保障行人安全,並已花200萬元增購10台天眼加強監察。