Lady Gaga Bento (Recipe) レディーガガ弁当 (キャラ弁レシピ)

Lady Gaga Bento (Recipe) レディーガガ弁当 (キャラ弁レシピ)

Many people asked me for an easy bento recipe, so this is the one! When Lady Gaga came Japan in July, she was in green, so I came up with this idea. LoL In this tutorial, I will use ohitashi which is a common dish cooked in Japan. It is a boiled leaf vegetable (usually spinach) eaten with soy sauce. In my video, I used Kamada Dashi Shoyu (dashi flavored soy sauce) for the seasoning which you can create an authentic Japanese dishes easily!. Try out if you get a chance! --------------------------------- Lady Gaga Bento Difficulty: Easy Time: 30min Number of servings: 1 bento box Face: salmon flakes Hair: komatsuna (mustard spinach) Lines: Fujikko ni (boiled kelp) Eyes: nori seaweed and mayonnaise Hearts and Mouth: ham Lips: ketchup Earrings: quail egg Beauty mark: nori seaweed Spinach Ohitashi Ingredients: 100g (3.5oz.) fresh komatsuna (mustard spinach) or spinach 1 tbsp. Kamada Dashi Shoyu (a bit strongly flavored for bento) *2 tsp. is enough if you are using regular soy sauce 1 tbsp. ground white sesame seeds Directions: 1. Boil water in a large pot. Add a pinch of salt in the water (salt removes oxalic acid - bitter taste, and makes the spinach nice and green). 2. Wash komatsuna and add in the boiling water from the stem side. 3. Boil spinach for about one minute. Drain and soak the spinach in water to cool. Drain and squeeze the spinach to remove the excess water. 4. Cut spinach into about 1.5 inch lengths. 5. Toss the spinach with Kamada dash ...
RT @mariakumi: いよいよ明日明後日はネギ来まつり!キャラ弁コンテストの結果発表と表彰も行います☆11時からはキャラ弁教室も開催。当日参加も見学OKですのでお気軽に遊びに来てください(*^^*) #yonago #tottoriken

RT @blood_type_bot: 【血液型別駅の階段で転倒あるある】【A型】あまりの恥ずかしさに翌日から使用路線変更。【B型】周りの人に「見た!?漫画みたいだよね!」と大笑い。【O型】その場は照れ笑いするが、本当は消えてなくなりたい。【AB型】キャラ弁が崩れてないか ...

よぉしっ朝の5時からキャラ弁作っちゃぅぞぉっ☆てへりん☆あーしってばまぢ女子力高須クリニック☆ #誰かお弁当作ってください

RT @pom345: もし子供ができてもキャラ弁を上手に作る自信がない。技術もセンスも無いもん。


@Parkaya0643 特注w ただのコスwwwww で、キャラ弁食うっていうw

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