Last Bible III [ラストバイブル 3] Game Sample - SNES/SFC
Original Air Date: January 30th, 2009 This is a game sample for the SFC RPG, Last Bible III. If you're watching this and thinking it's a lot like the whole Megami Tensei series, that's because it is a lot like it, though more light-hearted and such. Some of the core values of games like MT/SMT also lies within the Last Bible series, such things as negotiating with demons, demon summoning, and the all-important phases of the moon. This game is generally easier than anything you'd find in the SMT series. This game has an awesome soundtrack and a looooonnnng story to tell. What's interesting is that this is the only non-portable LB game (though one can make it portable), the rest were made for Game Boy and Game Gear. We originally said we couldn't show better footage because the game was boxed up, but we have access to it now, so maybe more advanced gameplay footage will surface later. We want to make Loki slay people, lol. Enjoy.
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