Aselin Debison - The Island [HD]
Aselin Debison In Concert 2003 - The Island/Cape Breton - Over an ocean and over a sea Beyond these great waters, oh what do I see? I see the great mountains climb from the coastline The hills of Cape Breton, this new home of mine Oh they come from the countries all over the world To.hack at the forest, to plow the land down Fishermen, farmers and sailors all come To clear for the future this pioneer ground We are an island, a rock in a stream We are a people as proud as there's been In soft summer breeze or in wild winter winds The home of our hearts, Cape Breton Over the rooftops and over the trees Within these new townships, oh what do I see? I see the black pitheads, the coal-wheels are turning The smokestacks are belching and the blast furnace burning Oh the sweat on the back is no joy to behold In the heat of the steel plant or mining the coal And the foreign-owned companies force us to fight For our survival and for our rights We are an island, a rock in a stream We are a people as proud as there's been In soft summer breeze or in wild winter winds The home of our hearts, Cape Breton Over the highways and over the roads Over the causeway, stories are told They tell of the coming and the going away The cities of America draw me away Ah the companies come, the companies go And the ways of the world we may never know We'll follow the footsteps of those on their way And we'll ask for the right to leave or to stay We are an island, a rock in a stream We are a people as ...
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