Gummy Soul Presents: "Fela Soul" by Amerigo Gazaway
gummysoul.com What do you get when you put together afrobeat legend Fela Kuti and rap pioneers De La Soul? You get Fela Soul; a musical tapestry created by Gummy Soul artist Amerigo Gazaway. More than just a clever title, Fela Soul is an 8-track, 33 minute journey into the world of afrobeat rhythms, funky horn riffs, and classic hip-hop gems. Using dozens of hand-picked samples from the Nigerian instrumentalist and political figure Fela Kuti, and 8 carefully-chosen acapellas from the Native Tongue rap trio De La Soul, Amerigo seamlessly intertwines the two into something completely new and original. Download the entire album for free, along with liner notes and album commentary at gummysoul.com http soundcloud.com amerigomusic.com http soundcloud.com Fela Soul - Breakadawn Released 2011 Gummy Soul Produced by Amerigo Gazaway Video Editing by Amerigo Gazaway and Walter Clark

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