Cha Tae Hyun's Wedding

Cha Tae Hyun's Wedding

His wedding wuz on June 1st 2006 he said that the bride wuz his high skool gf and she wuz his 1st love there were alot of korean stars there such as ha ji won,bi,ji sung,kim jong kook,song yun ah, Kim Hyun Ju,etc... Kim jong kook came bak frum the army for his wedding it wuz so sweet of him to sing the song pyun ji(letter) at the wedding and also cha tae hyun wuz singing the song sarangsuhruhwuh w/ him. Cha tae hyun's wife is so pretty
@iuRenina filmnya cha tae hyun yang ceritanya dia cacat itu apa judulnya

otm Champ (Filmnya Cha Tae-hyun)

Gigi mu la Bias mu iya~~ Uda lm kya ny itu bias mu Uda dr kw SMA ㅋㅋㅋㅋ“@_vinamarpaung @chochones cha tae hyun yg biasmu itu kan?”

RT @community_kpop: Episode 57 & 58 @ Jeju Island Guest : Cha Tae Hyun and Shin Se Kyung

Shock tau cha tae hyun aslinya gitu... Beda banget sama di hello ghost apalagi miracle bla bla... Tapi tetep charming >,<

@chochones cha tae hyun yg biasmu itu kan?

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