東方靈異伝 ルナ全ボスノーミスノーボムショット無し AllBoss NoDeaths
seki-rou氏のブログでmugenキャラ代理公開させていただいてますmugenでシンギョクも作っているので是非DLしていってください 東方靈異伝 LUNATIC ボス戦 ノーミス ノーボム お札禁止SinGyoku NoBounce Noshot
Curious Siamese Kitten
I'm not sure of what breed of Siamese he is (or if he even is a Siamese)...we was named Blue because of the box he slept in. He was in a chateau in France I was staying in, so he wasn't mine. He was very cute and gorgeous...as you can see!