鳥越俊太郎 医療の現場 がんから肛門を守れ!~内肛門括約筋切除術~(1)
がんから肛門を守れ!~内肛門括約筋切除術~ "直腸がんの肛門温存手術"を取材。この手術を経験、これから手術に臨む女性たちに密着。 遠藤 健 副院長:日本赤十字社医療センター 大腸肛門外科
JRE #310 - Neil deGrasse Tyson, Joe Rogan, Brian Redban
The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast #310 - Neil deGrasse Tyson, Brian Redban onnit.com Use coupon code 'Rogan' for 5% off any supplements! Joe via The Rogan Board: "That was an epic conversation! It was so surreal just sitting there talking to the guy. What a cool motherfucker, too. We did his podcast for another 25 minutes afterwards. I can't believe this bitch got up to 71 pages!" "We're going to do more of these hopefully! He's in town for a long while in the next 6 months I think. Sorry about the moon talk, but just to let everybody know it was certainly NOT my intention to include it as a discussion point, but once he started talking about it I had to get his take on some things." "Well, the moon landing stuff was something that he wanted to discuss. He alluded to it in the conversation we had on the phone about an hour before he got there. Like I said, it wasn't something I was going to bring up, but once I had him there I thought at the very least he could put a few silly notions to bed." @neiltyson @joerogan @redban Audio: traffic.libsyn.com Timeline: www.reddit.com Discussion: www.reddit.com JOEROGAN.NET / DEATHSQUAD.TV reddit.com
'You wanna dance with me?' [FAIL MMV]
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU oh god... this was the biggest failure I've ever made... *sob* whatever :DD I was stupid ( ._.)... Aw yea thanks for 90+ subs ^_^ made me really really happy yahoooo :DD