The WHO live at the Isle of Wight 1970 - Full concert (High quality).

The WHO live at the Isle of Wight 1970 - Full concert (High quality).

The Isle of Wight Festival is a music festival which takes place every year on the Isle of Wight in England. It was originally held from 1968 to 1970. These original events were promoted and organised by the Foulk brothers (Ron, Ray and Bill Foulk) under the banner of their company Fiery Creations Limited. The venues were Ford Farm (near Godshill), Wootton and Afton Down (near Freshwater) respectively. The 1969 event was notable for the appearance of Bob Dylan and the Band. This was Dylan's first paid performance since his motor cycle accident some three years earlier, and was held at a time when many still wondered if he would ever perform again. Followers from across the world trecked to the Isle of Wight for what seemed like a 'second coming'. Estimates of 150000--250000 attended. The 1969 festival opened on Friday 29 August—eleven days after the close of Woodstock. Dylan was living in Woodstock, New York, at the time and it was widely believed that he would perform there, after the event had been "put in his own backyard". As it happened, Dylan left for the Isle of Wight on 15 August—the day the Woodstock festival began. The 1970 event was by far the largest and most famous of these early festivals; indeed it was said at the time to be one of the largest human gatherings in the world, with estimates of over 600000, surpassing the attendance at Woodstock. Included in the line-up of over fifty performers were The Who, Jimi Hendrix, Miles Davis, The Doors, Ten Years ...
[定期]今期視聴アニメ:イクシオンサーガDT/ラブライブ!/さくら荘のペットな彼女/銀魂/たまこまーけっと/ヤマノススメ/まんがーる/ROBOTICS;NOTES/PSYCHO-PASS/ささみさん@がんばらない/琴浦さん/ビビッドレッドオペレーション #アニメ

RT @At_home_sano: 毎回ライブで配布しているデモCDですが、プロの方に頼んで再レコーディングしました!音質がすごい良い!!1月20日のモールホールでのライブで無料配布予定です!相変わらずまだ一曲だけなのは申し訳ありませんが…(^^;)他の曲も近々レコーディ ...



ロペピクニックで地球三兄弟のようなジャケットが半額になっていたので ライブはコスプレで行くかと試着してみたら己のにのうでが思っていたより逞しく窮屈。店員「どこがきついですか?」腕ですよ うでうで。言わせんな恥ずかしい。


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