Fujifilm Finepix HS20 EXR Review
For the complete Fujifilm Finepix HS20 EXR review, go to www.infosyncworld.com Fujifilm is back at it again with a new flagship Super Zoom digital camera, and we got a chance to flog it all day and night. The Fujifilm Finepix HS20 EXR is the successor to last year's Finepix HS10—a camera that left us with conflicted emotions. The pomp and circumstance engulfing the new Fujifim Finepix HS20 EXR is its—yes, you guessed it—brand new 16-megapixel EXR CMOS sensor. That means we get Fujifilm's EXR shooting technology merged with a Backside Illuminated Sensor, and image and video quality becomes the hot topic of this review. Not only did Fujifilm cram a new sensor into the Finepix HS20 EXR, but the camera now offers SDXC card support, a higher 12800 ISO cap, and more pixels in the LCD. That's about it, compared to last year's Finepix HS10. Therefore, Fujifilm did not improve upon our suggestions riddled throughout the Finepix HS10 review, so many of our shooting-oriented gripes were relived yet a second time. The Fujifilm Finepix HS20 EXR is an odd duck, so take a leap into the pond, shall we?
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ザナドゥのBGM集です。 実機録音なので戦闘や魔法の効果音なども入っています。マニアな人には、ディスクアクセス時のテンポが若干遅れるところや、FM音源のリリース音がきちんと鳴り止まないところも気付いて頂けると思います(笑) 12:50あたりから効果音が入ります。腹減りBGMは入っていません。 私の中で1、2位を争うほど好きなゲーム&音楽なので時間長めです。今から27年前、FM音源というものを初めて知ったのがこのゲームでした。全てにおいて衝撃的な作品でした。