Underworld Music Video

Underworld Music Video

A music video on the movie underworld Feat. the song Forever gone, forever you, by Evanescence This Video is awesome, according to a lot of people, so I decided to put it on my profile, so people can watch it. Please, please, please comment, because I want to know what you really think of this video, that you don't think it's crap, that you really do like it. If you don't, that's great too, but tell me why, so I can fix it for the next one. If you're one of those imbiciles who put lame comments on people's videos, because it makes you feel 'oh so special' or because you dislike me, for some reason, because I don't think you know me, please take your insolence somewhere else, where people actually care that you're being a moron. I've worked hard on these videos so that I may entertain the public, not so you can use your illiterate criticism. All of you who, however, have helped me and gave me awesome comments, you (even if you didn't give me a comment, even if you just watched the video) are my inspiration ^_^ Thanks XP Also, one more thanks to my inspiration, Evanescence. Their awesome music has helped me to think of the videos of which to put, and for that, I love them XD Thanks so much, guys. Insane always -Ravyn
アンダーワールド ビギンズ見終わった。とりあえずパパの二刀流カッコよすぎてふおお40くらいのおじさまヴァンパイアの二刀流うんめえ惚れる


覚醒見よう。2日アンダーワールド4作見ながら作業^p^ ケイト・ベッキンセーしゅき

つばきがアンダーワールドの連勝を5でストップ!(M) [つばき 6 - 2 アンダーワールド]

RT @Pltr_Lyric: 夢ならね 覚めないで 幾億の夜を越え 銀河にね 囲まれて 巡り会うの アンダーワールド  ◆アンドロメタモルフォーゼ◆

アンダーワールドが5連勝!(M) [サーキュレーション 0 - 5 アンダーワールド]

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