中南米のグアテマラに魅せられた女性が、現地織物を使った雑貨ブランドの今秋スタートをめざし、準備を進めています。広島市在住の秋本愛さんです。 彼女とグアテマラとの出会いは、兄の青年海外協力隊としての現地赴任でした。彼は任期終了後、帰国せず現地で結婚。様子を見に行った両親も、なんと移住してしまいます。 そして、その後・・・(続きはSankeiBizにて) ■局アナnet: kyokuana.net ■SankeiBiz記事: http ■リポーター: 西村正行(岩手朝日テレビ,長崎国際テレビ出身) www.kyokuana.net
たけしの万物創世紀 アトピー性皮膚炎 No.1
アトピー性皮膚炎 No.2 an.to アトピー性皮膚炎 No.3 an.to アトピー性皮膚炎 No.4 an.to アトピー性皮膚炎を中心に、アレルギーのメカニズムを探る。アトピー性皮膚炎の最大の悩みは、 猛烈なかゆみ。かゆみの原因となるアレルゲンが体に入るとどうなるのか! 抗ヒスタミン薬が有効です。 kusuri.zz.tc
Underworld Music Video
A music video on the movie underworld Feat. the song Forever gone, forever you, by Evanescence This Video is awesome, according to a lot of people, so I decided to put it on my profile, so people can watch it. Please, please, please comment, because I want to know what you really think of this video, that you don't think it's crap, that you really do like it. If you don't, that's great too, but tell me why, so I can fix it for the next one. If you're one of those imbiciles who put lame comments on people's videos, because it makes you feel 'oh so special' or because you dislike me, for some reason, because I don't think you know me, please take your insolence somewhere else, where people actually care that you're being a moron. I've worked hard on these videos so that I may entertain the public, not so you can use your illiterate criticism. All of you who, however, have helped me and gave me awesome comments, you (even if you didn't give me a comment, even if you just watched the video) are my inspiration ^_^ Thanks XP Also, one more thanks to my inspiration, Evanescence. Their awesome music has helped me to think of the videos of which to put, and for that, I love them XD Thanks so much, guys. Insane always -Ravyn
ダウンタウン熱血行進曲 ネタコンボ集
ダウンタウン熱血行進曲のちょっとしたネタコンボを詰め込んでみたぜ! こんな武器の使い方。こんな戦い方があったのかと。 ダウンタウン熱血行進曲 再生リストwww.youtube.com くにお流www.geocities.jp ダウンタウン熱血行進曲 攻略 【くにお流】 920kun.blog67.fc2.com