The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1921)
Director: Robert Wience Writers: Hans Janowitz and Carl Mayer Release Date: March 19, 1921 Genre: Horror Thriller Tagline: You must become Caligari. Synopsis The ultimate of the German Expressionist cinema. "A tale of the modern re-appearance of an 11th century myth involving the strange and mysterious influence of a mountebank monk over a somnambulist." Directed by ROBERT WIENCE, whose career blazed into glorious obscurity after this magnum opus, owed much to the script, the skilled performers and most of all the set director. For this is the first film made that's worth attending to see only the backgrounds, props, and settings. Wild, distorted and created, the film makes no attempt to approach a realistic location for the story. Halls, walls, floors, mountains, are all blatantly artificial designs to create an atmosphere of foreboding and horror. Seldom will the viewer encounter reality (or even a right angle for the matter) and what of it? The audience appeal of the concept can be judged by the consistent irritation of the style by the entire German film industry for the next ten years - ending only when certain brown-shirted gentlemen decreed a new kind of horror. Shadows and lights are tangible things, as we follow the good doctor form his carnival sideshow exhibit into darker evil. Cesare, the sleepwalker, quietly rests inside "the cabinet" (a coffin) awaiting Caligari's bidding. Destined to be one of those films studied by those learning the art, the genius of ...
河村たかし名古屋市長定例記者会見 2009年12月21日 その4
2009年12月21日に行われた、名古屋市長による記者会見です。平成22年度予算「パブリックヒアリング」の開催。名古屋開府400年記念事業「第1回開府500年のまちの姿懇談会」の開催。平成21年度コミュニティサイクル社会実験(名チャリ社会実験)の結果。ショートストーリーなごや第3回受賞作品の決定。 【質疑】市議会12月臨時会について。平成22年度予算「パブリックヒアリング」について(その1)。自転車に関する討論会について。平針の里山開発への対応について。議会側の議会改革の動きについて。平成22年度予算「パブリックヒアリング」について(その2)。環境科学研究所の廃止について。