Windows 8: It's Almost Not Terrible

Windows 8: It's Almost Not Terrible

Own this music: Check out the article here: Before you get too far into this... Let's correct our error. During the search rant (around 4:00), we missed the other options below our search bar. We were doing it live like O'Reily and totally missed the "extra options" below search. However, the point still stands that you have to do more work to get the same results you would have gotten with Windows 7. In fact, when you search for say, printers, Windows 7 would suggest several things and it would categorize them. This forces you to look through each category. It's a major step backwards.
Qu'est-ce que vous faites dans la vie ? #windows8 #acer #tryandlikeit

Et oui je critique mais c'est mon job ma petite dae #windows8 #acer #tryandlikeit

Par exemple là le clavier vient de planter #windows8 #acer #tryandlikeit

Is anybody free to test Skype with me on W8? ;( #windows8 #acer #tryandlikeit

Ce qui est bien sur bien débile mais on est pas à une incohérence près #windows8 #acer #tryandlikeit

Parce que moi, je suis étudiante en Master MIAGE à Orléans ^^ #windows8 #acer #tryandlikeit

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