[UTAU] Teenage Dream (Shikine Seiji x Yumene Meimu)
I...I love this song. .v.;; Seriously. Like..Katy Perry is totally my guilty pleasure anyway, because all her stuff is so damn catchy and energetic and hnggg. Then she comes out with this, which is just as catchy and energetic but also legitimately sweet and adorable. D8 *SHAKEFIST* Speaking of things I'll gush all over. Meimu's engrish. OMG. ;v; Like. she has so many phonemes that just always surprised me when I found them. V's!? L's and R's?! HNGGGG. She engrishes so good! It makes me happy. Seiji, on the other hand, sounds semi-retarded. :T whatever. And speaking of segways, guess what ELSE is also semi-retarded? THIS SKETCH. 8D Srsly the underlying sketch here is awful and I should feel bad. The colors save it but ONLY BARELY. also asses. Just...you know. IN CASE YOU DIDN'T NOTICE. It's kind of an ass-fest because damnit I can't do simple cute fluff without it degenerating into this. OTL They aren't even well drawn asses. UST: www.mediafire.com But here's the thing. UST wasn't meant to be distributed. I kinda just changed my mind because...IDK. ;v; So it's not user friendly. at all. YOU NEED TO CHOP THIS FUCKER UP. 8D Seriously. If you just plug it in it will be off time. Don't DO THAT. K? I swear, with my Warabigami UST there was just ONE PART that needed chopping and no one ever saw it and it made me sad. So please for the love of god refer to the version I sent with for timing!! ;^; k?
フランクリン・ルーズベルト 3-1
98年ごろのビデオ。 ネットからか、荒巻義雄からか?最近めっきり悪者扱いのルーズベルトですが、昭和の歴史の教科書では、「20世紀最大の指導者」になってましたファイルは3つ
水川あさみ えなりかずき CM エネオス まじめで安心篇
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手品・マジック [mML Live-49-1]ダブルフェイス・コインの賢い使い方!
monthly Magic Lesson Vol.49 スペシャルライブ映像!その1 www.magiclesson.jp プロマジシャン、ゆうきともが演じた、マジックのライブ映像です! プロの演技を楽しんで下さい! インタレイスト・ヴァニッシュ、You Can't Do As I Do、シンプル・ファイン・メッシュ、25カードトリック、銀貨かどうか?、ティップオーバー・アディション、サム・カウント、ダイ・ヴァーノンのフラリッシュ・ターンオーバー、アイ・カウント、ダブルフェイス・コイン、石田天海、Paul Harris、UFGrant、Phil Goldstein